
Data Types

Computers process information, by process, we mean the information is modified , filtered in some way . In computing the information is reffered to as data.

JavaScript supports a number of fundamental data types , These types can be broken down into two categories, primitive data types and composite data types.

Primitive Data Types

 Primitive data types are the simplest building blocks of a program.
numeric (1.50) , strings ("hello,world') , boolean (true, false)

there are two other special types that consist of a single value:
 Null , Undefined

Numeric literals

JavaScript supports both integers and floating-point numbers.

Integers are whole numbers ; e.g., 123 and –1. Integers can be expressed in decimal (base 10), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16), and are either positive or negative values.

Floating-point numbers are fractional numbers such as 123.45 or –1.5 .

String literals

String literals are characters enclosed in either double or single quotes. The quotes must be matched. If the string starts with a single quote, it must end with a matching single quote, and likewise if it starts with a double quote, it must end with a double quote. Single quotes can hide double quotes, and double quotes can hide single quotes:

"a string"
' another string' "
This is 'a string' "
'This is "a string" '

Strings can contain escape sequences (a single character preceded with a backslash),
 as follows:

 \'      single quotation mark
\"      double quotation mark
\n      new line
 \\      BackSlash

 Strings Concatenation

 this is the process of joining strings together, using a plus sign + . Its operands are two strings. If one string is a number and the other is a string, JavaScript will still concatenate them as strings. If both operands are numbers, the + will be the addition operator.

alert("java" + "script");
alert("5" + 5);


Boolean literals are logical values that have only one of two values, true or false. You can think of the values as yes or no, on or off, or 1 or 0.

 if (a == false) { code; }


the null keyword represents no value  or "nothing," not even an empty string or zero .


A variable that has been declared, but given no initial value, contains the value undefined and will produce a runtime error if you try to use it.

If you declare the variable and assign null to it, null will act as a placeholder and you will not get an error.

The typeof Operator

The typeof operator returns a string to identify the type of its operand (i.e., a variable, string, or object). You can use the typeof operator to check whether a variable has been defined because if there is no value assigned to the variable, the typeof operator returns undefined.

typeof (operand)


Composite Data Types

also called complex types, consist of more than one component. Objects, arrays, and functions,  all contain a collection of components. Objects contain properties and methods; arrays contain a sequential list of elements; and functions contain a collection of statements.

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